Volume 19, Number 1
Zhijun Wang1, Terry Anderson2, and Li Chen3
1Jiangnan University, China, 2Athabasca University, Canada, 3Beijing Normal University, China
In this research paper, the authors analyse the collected data output during a 36 week cMOOC. Six-week data streams from blogs, Twitter, a Facebook group, and video conferences were tracked from the daily newsletter and the MOOCs' hashtag (#change11). This data was analysed using content analysis and social network analysis within an interpretative research paradigm. The content analysis was used to examine the technology learners used to support their learning while the social network analysis focused on the participant in different spaces and their participation patterns in connectivist learning.
The findings from this research include: 1) A variety of technologies were used by learners to support their learning in this course; 2) Four types of participation patterns were reveled, including unconnected floaters, connected lurkers, connected participants, and active contributors. The participation of learners displays the participation inequality typical of social media, but the ratio of active contributors is much higher than xMOOCs; 3) There were five basic structures of social networks formed in the learning; and 4) The interaction around topics and topic generation supports the idea of learning as network creation after the analysis of participation patterns that are based on some deep interactive topic. The aim of this study is to gain insight into the behaviors of learners in a cMOOC in an open and distributed online environment, so that future MOOCs designers and facilitators can understand, design and facilitate more effective MOOCs for learners.
Keywords: participation pattern, cMOOCs, social network analysis, connectivist learning, connectivism, interaction
MOOCs have attracted worldwide research and practice attention from a variety of entities including government, university, enterprise, and other stakeholders (Riel & Lawless, 2017). Downes (2012a) classified MOOCs into those based on transmission of information (xMOOCs) as differentiated from cMOOCs in which participants collaboratively discover and generate new knowledge. The developments since the first x and c MOOCs were first introduced more than 10 years ago, have witnessed the continuing growth of xMOOCs offered by institutions and both for-profit and non-profit companies. The xMOOC model is now much more familiar to learners and teachers in that they often use systems developed for more traditional online courses and use a predominance of micro video lessons and machine marked quizzes for student feedback. xMOOCs have been criticized as not providing sufficient learner support and engagement, however, they have shown capacity of scale, and over their evolution, have added a variety of more novel assessment activities and learning activities including games and simulations (Hew, 2016). cMOOCs have been much less popular, though proponents continue to note that they provide much greater opportunity for student agency, network literacy development and collaborative learning opportunities. Critics of cMOOCs have noted that students encounter "difficulties in way-finding and sense-making because of their lack of necessary knowledge and skills" (Li, Tang, & Zhang, 2016, p.3) and also often suffer from information overload and unfamiliarity with the learning model being used by instructors that is exacerbated by the information flow from many sources that characterize cMOOCs. As a response to these criticisms, some researchers have been incorporating elements from both types of MOOCs in course design, creating hybrid models (Ostashewski, Howell, & Dron, 2016; Siemens, 2014; Crosslin & Dellinger, 2015). Fidalgo-Blanco, Sein-Echaluce, and García-Peñalvo (2016) combined the use of a number of social networks with a single xMOOC platform and found higher course completion rates and learner satisfaction using this hybrid model. If we are to build complete cMOOCs using distributed technologies or add social networking tools to more traditional xMOOCs we need to understand the types of tools chosen by users and the network structures that emerge when using these tools.
Siemens states that learning is a process of connection and network formulation (Siemens, 2005b). These networks include neural networks, concept networks, and external/social networks. Obviously the study of neural networks is far beyond the expectations of this research. However, here we examine how learners' participation in a cMOOC is distributed across learning environments from the social network and concept network perspectives. Because connectivist learning is often supported by various distributed technologies, the research questions are therefore: 1) What kind of technologies do learners use to support their learning? and 2) What kind of participation pattern and network structures are formed among participants and topic during their learning based on learners behavior? Fournier and colleagues (2014) noted that cMOOCs have large, incomplete, and dispersed data sets, so research of participation in cMOOCs is challenging due to the complex and distributed characteristics of this kind of learning. This research intends to help us have a deeper understand of the participation pattern of learners from different perspective with empirical data generated in a cMOOC. We believe that the exploration of learners' participation patterns in cMOOCs will be helpful for future MOOC designers (either cMOOCs, xMOOCs, or hybrids).
Pioneers of Connectivism, George Siemens, Stephen Downes, and other connectivist learning researchers developed and ran a series of Massive Open Online Courses to put their idea of Connectivism into practice from 2008, such as CC08, CCK10, CCK11, Change 11 MOOC, Openness in Education, etmooc, REL2014, Rhizo15, etc. Among these courses, the Change 11 MOOC had the longest duration and lasted for one and a half years. At that time, MOOCs were known throughout the whole world for the very successful MIT xMOOC course Artificial Intelligence. Thus, Change 11 MOOCs occurred not only at the initial peak of cMOOC development, it was also casually referred to as "the mother of MOOCs" (Siemens, 2011a). MOOCs have since been developing for 10 years. Though many other kinds of MOOCs were proposed and developed, such as sMOOC, MOOR, SPOC, etc., the two main types of MOOCs are cMOOCs and xMOOCs, and the design pedagogies have remained with significant differences (Daniel, 2012; Wang, Chen, & Zhen, 2014). As Siemens noted, "the cMOOC emphasizes creation, creativity, autonomy and social networking learning, so it focus on knowledge creation and generation, whereas xMOOCs emphasizes a more traditional learning approach through video presentations and short quizzes and testing, so it focus on knowledge duplication" (Siemens, 2012, para. 3). MOOCs have been discussed and researched extensively in the field over the past five years (Riel & Lawless, 2017). Though there are some innovations of xMOOCs compare with those in 2012 with a linear instructor-led approach, such as designed peer assessment, team-based learning, and social interaction activates in the course, there are some innovations of cMOOCs, or especially Change 11 MOOC that these xMOOCs did not have.
Learning and interactions in cMOOCs are distributed and multi-spaced (Siemens, 2013) as compared with traditional courses offered either in classrooms or online. Learners are able to, and encouraged to, control and shape their learning experiences in cMOOCs - even to the extent of collaboratively defining the curriculum. The design pedagogies and learning objects used and created are based upon learner input and participation. In an xMOOC, the learning interactions take place primarily on a course page or single LMS type system. In a cMOOC, contributions occur and emerge in many distributed online spaces, including blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Wikis, Google Groups, Second Life, YouTube, and dozens of others adopted by learners (Wang, Anderson, Chen, & Barbera, 2017). Learners joining cMOOCs should be self-directed with high network literacy and autonomy to learning successfully, and they also should be network-directed learners (Siemens, 2011b; Downes, 2011a) to help them create a personal learning environment and collaborative learning environment for the whole participants - if not they can feel overwhelmed in such a complex learning environment. What is more important, they should be knowledge discoverers and creators in the learning process.
So, we argue that more attention should be focused on cMOOCs and their exploration of interaction and network creation centered on learner-learner interaction and on learners' networked knowledge creation and growth (Downes, 2012b; Siemens, 2011c). Learning analytics is used under both MOOC models and is designed to reduce "big data" largely obtained from traces of learner activities into meaningful analysis (Merceron, Blikstein, & Siemens, 2016). A key research issue is how to gather and analyse critical behavior data in the information flow of a learning activity and how to analyse and interpret individual learning behavior characteristics. This study explores and analyses participation patterns based on the interactive behavior traces left across the internet.
Researchers and learners interested in Connectivism and the emergent MOOC phenomena joined in the learning of these cMOOCs as participants. A variety of research studies have emerged from this landmark series of cMOOCs. These include the following perspectives: the delivery model innovation introduction of a cMOOC (Fini, 2009; Rodriguez, 2013); Personal Learning Environment design and development with distributed technologies (Kop, 2010; Fournier, Kop, & Durand, 2014); learners participation and learning experience (Saadatmand & Kumpulainen, 2014; Smith & Eng, 2013; Levy, 2011; Kop, 2011; Mackness, Mak, & Williams, 2010), and a focus on facilitators' experiences (Arnold, Kumar, Thillosen, & Ebner, 2014). Some studies (Siemens, 2011c; Milligan, Littlejohn, & Margaryan, 2013, 2013; Skrypnyk, Joksimović, Kovanović, Gašević, & Dawson, 2015; Bozkurt et al., 2016, Wang et al., 2017) relate directly to the pattern of interaction and communication observed in these connectivist learning environments. However, in Milligan and his colleagues 's research, the number of participants interviewed is limited compared with the massive number of learners enrolled in the course. What is more important is that these studies divided participant in cMOOCs into three patterns: active participation, passive participation, and lurking. These three types of learners have been identified in online community and distance and online learning for a long time. However, the number of passive learners did not fully match with the educational goal of connection building and collaborative knowledge creation and generation (Siemens, 2013) espoused in connectivist learning. Siemens' research focused on the orientation in complex online learning environments and analysed only the data generated in a single CCK 08 forum, which was only a small part of all data generated in the course. Skrypnyk and colleagues (2015) conducted a social network analysis of Twitter-based course interactions in a cMOOCs to explore the roles of course facilitators, learners, and technology in the flow of information. This study deeply analysis the socio-technical network of human participants and hashtags, and represented the technological affordances for scaling course communication (Skrypnyk et al., 2015, p. 188). Bozkurt and colleagues (2016) analysed interactions, community formation, and nomadic learner behavior in Twitter for a six-week long MOOC within a social network and Community of Inquiry framework. These studies have shown us how learners participate in cMOOCs from the information flow and community formulation perspectives; however, just as the author reported in their study, their limitation was that they only focused on the interaction in Twitter (Skrypnyk et al., 2015; Bozkurt et al., 2016). Though Twitter is one of the main media adopted by most participants, the cMOOC was also supported by the course website, blog, Facebook, and many other technologies. The deepest interaction occurred in the distributed blog websites and these data cannot be ignored (Wang et al., 2017). In earlier work, using deductive analysis of qualitative data, we developed a framework for cMOOC analysis, which we called the Interaction and Cognitive Framework (ICF) (Wang, Chen, & Anderson, 2014; Wang & Chen, 2015). The main patterns in four levels of connectivist learning interactions were recognized and described in this work (Wang et al., 2017) with a whole- and macro-perspective analytic lens by qualitative study; however, connectivists argue that learning is a connection-building and network-forming process (Siemens, 2005a, 2005b), We have focused this study on research from a network-building perspective. As Fournier and colleagues (2014) stated, cMOOCs have large, incomplete, and dispersed data sets. This presents many challenges to researchers. This study was conducted with an interpretivist research paradigm, and attempts to collect as much data as possible in a distributed, multi-technology supported environment to identify how learners participate in their learning during cMOOC courses.
As mentioned above, researchers have organized dozens of cMOOCs in the past 10 years. This study selected the Change 11 MOOC as a case because it was referred as the "Mother of all MOOCs" by some participants and can be viewed as a defining model of cMOOCs implementation. This course was the fourth courses developed by these MOOC pioneers and thus benefitted from their earlier experience organization with cMOOCs. This course was co-facilitated by Dave Cormier, George Siemens, and Stephen Downes, and lasted from September 10, 2011 to May 28, 2012 (36 weeks). It was designed to introduce and discuss the changes happening, and projected changes that will occur, within formal education. Each week an invited expert facilitated a live session using with synchronous technology and recorded for an asynchronous presentation and review at a later time. Participants were encouraged to reflect, interact, and undertake knowledge creation, based upon the topics generated by this session and the comments and views of other participants, including the facilitators.
Unlike most xMOOCs, and blog or wiki based cMOOCs, the interaction and learning data in Change 11 MOOCs was distributed across different Web 2.0 technologies and digital platforms. The hashtag #change11 was defined by course facilitators and used by most participant. Much of the participants' contributions were discovered using the hashtag and was collected and distributed by a tool called gRRShopper (See Figure 1). This content was aggregated into a daily newsletter and was sent to all participants by email, RSS, and archived on a course website.
This study collected data from the daily newsletter in gRRShopper post and followed the #change11 hashtag to track the interaction the learning flows distributed across the network. This course lasted 36 weeks and more than 2000 people interacted in many different spaces, thus it was impossible to comprehensively analyse all data generated in the course (Wang et al., 2017). An analysis of the number of topics generated in the main spaces showed that week one to week six were the most active portion of the cMOOC and thus this was selected as the focus of our data analysis.
Figure 1. Structure of daily newsletter.
To ensure that all data was collected consistently in the same space, different data collecting rules were defined. We made a detailed introduction to our data collection strategies in our former study Wang et al., 2017). In summary, we itemized the different technologies used for participation and if the technology was used by other participants. These technologies were aggregated to explore the full technology network of the course.
For the learners, as well as the researcher, the distribution of interaction across multi-online learning environments, supported by various technologies, using different usernames, and distributed databases, made it challenging to combine these feeds, produce meaningful learning, and research information. Thus, this study uses social network analysis as the main research methodology. From our earlier work we found learners participate on blogs and Twitter most often but they also joined in an assortment of synchronous and asynchronous learning groups created by both other learners and the facilitators. Given the greater accessibility of the blog (daily newsletter based) this and Twitter (with hashtag# change11) were chosen as data sources for this study. NodeXL, an open-source social network analysis tool (Bonsignore et al., 2009), that was used for the social network analysis in this study.
Learner behavior in such heterogeneous learning environment(s) supported by different technologies, varies in format, content, and intensity. The coding and analysis rules in the network analysis depended upon the learning behavior supported by a specific technology. For example, the blog based daily newsletter, served content from many online tools designed by different companies and using different formats. Some blog posts included data about the number of shares, likes, and comments posted by readers. However, they did not reveal the identity of these responders nor if they were also enrolled in the MOOC or not. In an attempt to arrive at consistent and valid of data, I ignored this data and used only common features of all blog posts, such as post, reply, and linked by others blog. The final social network coding rules are as follow:
Since the structure of blog are different, we used manual coding in the study. The data were checked and revised by manual and NodeXL to assure the validity.
There was a total of 6030 interaction data (including post and comments) nodes in for social network analysis, showing as table 1.
Table 1
Interaction Data (Posts and Comments) of Each Week in Different Spaces
Blog | Facebook group | ||
Week 1 | 311 | 664 | 509 |
Week 2 | 462 | 559 | 293 |
Week 3 | 390 | 440 | 211 |
Week 4 | 404 | 407 | 178 |
Week 5 | 181 | 280 | 51 |
Week 6 | 459 | 231 | 126 |
Total | 2207 | 2581 | 1242 |
This study analysed how learners participate in the cMOOCs from the four different aspects: (1) the technology learners adopted to support their learning; (2) the participation categories formed in the course; (3) the social network structure formed in the different digital spaces; and (4) typical participation patterns based on deep interactive topic.
In our previous study, we found that learners must first learn how to use different social network technologies to establish and maintain their personal network environment (Wang et al., 2017). Thus, this study identifies which kinds of technologies learners used to support their learning to deepen our understanding of the learning technology challenges to be expected by learners and teachers.
Though course facilitators only officially supported the course website email and Twitter at the beginning of the course, after a week's learning, a variety of technologies were adopted and distributed by participants. These technologies including: 1) video present technology (YouTube, Blip, tumblr); 2) blog technology (wordpress, blogspot, edublogs, saadatm); 3) source aggregation and sharing technology, abbreviated as SAS (Google+RSS, typepad, Scoop it); 4) wiki (wikitionary, wikispace); and 5) other technologies as Google Docs, email, and personal web sites. Besides the technologies above, learners spontaneously built several group spaces for their learning, such as a Facebook group, Diggo group, Open study group, and Google group. As the course proceeded, additional technologies were trialed and/or adopted. The final technology map of six week is visualized in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Technology learner used to support their learning in Change 11 MOOC.
Though many other technologies were adopted by some learners, the main technologies used collaboratively during the course were personal blogs, Twitter, and some group communication technologies such as Facebook group and Open Study group. Considering the needs (and challenges) of data accessibility, this study selected interaction traces based on blog, Twitter, a Facebook group, and synchronized audio/video conferences for further analysis.
cMOOCs are designed to build a complex information environment for all participants using learner-driven learning artifact creation, and remixing, reflection/summarization, discussion/negotiation, information aggregation, and sharing on course themes (Wang, Chen, & Anderson, 2014). As mentioned above, learners should have high degree of autonomy (Skrypnyk et al., 2015) and should be self-directed and network directed in this kind of course. If the learners did not make contributions (such as post blog, comments, information sharing, and aggregation on themes) to the course, the course can hardly be described as a cMOOC. This hyper participation and contribution to the content is different from xMOOCs, where the vast majority of content is created and presented by instructors only.
Table 2 lists six categories of the number of people participating in Change 11 MOOC from the first week to the sixth week, including the number of registered, daily newsletter subscribers, number of blog feeds generated, the topic generated and number of participants involved in blog, Twitter and Facebook group interactions. The first three rows were obtained based on the participant data of week 1 to week 6 published by Downes (2011b), and the later three items were retrieved from social network analysis of transcripts in the course. The open and distributed characteristics of blog, Twitter, Facebook group, and the functional design of these technologies preclude our obtaining data related to how many people read these interactions. Thus, the three rows of data are retrieved from the transcript of interaction data left in these spaces by social network analysis.
As Table 2 shows, this course attracted more than 1300 registrations, and almost everybody who registered the course also subscribed to the daily newsletter at the beginning of the course. In these six weeks, the number of people registered in the course, subscribing to the daily newsletter, and generating blog posts increased over time. At the sixth week, more than 2000 people had registered in the course, and the cMOOC had attracted worldwide attention. Each week, from 100 to 200 topics were generated by the participants based on the content the facilitators provided.
Table 2
Number of Participants in Different Spaces Each Week
Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | |
Registered number | 1774 | 1892 | 1940 | 2013 | 2079 | 2130 |
Daily newsletter subscribe number | 1714 | 1807 | 1832 | 1884 | 1931 | 1972 |
Blog feed recipeients number | 192 | 216 | 231 | 241 | 252 | 258 |
Blog posts number | 138 | 202 | 160 | 156 | 84 | 151 |
Twitter posts number | 294 | 246 | 294 | 236 | 215 | 166 |
Facebook group posts number | 171 | 121 | 57 | 52 | 32 | 61 |
Despite the steady increase in registrations, the number of people participating and interacting in the daily newsletter, Twitter, and the Facebook group showed a strong randomness, and did not increase with the increase in registered participants.
Other MOOC researchers have divided learners into different types (Hill, 2013; Milligan et al., 2013), such as active participation, passive participation, and lurking. Milligan and his colleagues (2013) and Hill (2013) added drop-ins as the fourth type for those "who are partially or fully active for their specific learning needs" (Hill, 2013, The Four Student Archetypes section, para. 4). However, cMOOCs are designed within the pedagogy of connectivism which proposes that learning is a network creation. This creates both a challenge and an opportunity for learners to participate in the course, so we divided learners using the lens of connectivism and combined it with a particular course design.
As described in Table 1, there were four categories of interactive behavior.
While analysing the participation pattern of learners in the course, we found that the number of learners in each of the categories above followed a similar pattern to interaction in many online social systems (Nielsen, 2006). More than 93% of those registered subscribed to the daily email newsfeed, 12% of them contributed their blog feeds, and between 4.04% and 10.78% of them contributed content that was redistributed in the daily newsletter each week during these six weeks. If we change the total number into 100 and use the average ratio in blog based daily newsletter and Twitter, the ratio of four categories of participant is 2 unconnected floaters, 78 connected lurkers, 11 active contributors, and 9 active contributors. This is described as Figure 3.
Figure 3. Participant inequality in Change 11 MOOC.
Connectivism claims that learning is a process of building both inner neural networks, and external conceptual networks and social networks (Siemens, 2005b). At the beginning of the course, the participants were isolated, but as the course proceeded, deeper connection were built among them through these interactions. In this cMOOC, learners formed a large social network in the course. The structure of social networks looks slightly different in the blog, Twitter, and Facebook group due to unequal participation in each. Because of the different degrees of openness, ownership, and technical affordances, each technology played a different role in supporting this kind of learning.
Using the blog based interaction in the first week of the course as an example, Figure 4 illustrates the social network layout with the Harel-Koren (HK) fast multi-scale algorithm, which is one of NodeXL's two force-directed algorithms.
Figure 4. The social network of the first week blog based interaction
Table 3 represents a view of this social network with 309 edges, 143 nodes in the network. That means there are 309 interaction among these 143 nodes. There are five special (particularly central) nodes in the network: all, eduMOOC, The George Tech MOOC, Diggo group, and Scoop.it. The node "all" is defined to count how many people submit original blog post to the course. The in-degree node "all" is 33, which is also the maximum in degree of the network, and the edges of "all" is 48. That means 33 people contributed 48 original blog post to the course. The node "eduMOOC" and "The George Tech MOOC" represents other MOOCs connected within the course, and the node "Scoop it" is a curation technology participants adopted in their learning. The node "Diggo group" represents a group build by some participants to aggregate information. So, 138 participants joined in the blog based social interaction in the first week. The maximum out-degree of this social network is 11. It belongs to the node "jennymackness," who is a learner in the course. The maximum intermediate centrality of this social network is 5397, it belongs to node "George," who is one of the facilitator in the course. So, the facilitator played an important communication role among participants in the first week of blog based interaction.
Table 3
The Overall Metrics of Social Networking in the First Week of Blog-Based Interaction
Nodes | Edges | Self-loop | Maximum in degree | maximum out-degree | Maximum intermediate centrality |
143 | 309 | 4 | 33 | 11 | 5397 |
Social network researchers have noted that "types and patterns of relationships emerge from individual connectivity and that the presence (or absence) of such types and patterns have substantial effects on the network and its constituents" (Mika, 2007, p.27). In order to detect the network structure, we use the Clauset-Newman-Moore algorithm to cluster this social network first and then stratified it. As Figure 5 shows, 13 groups and 6 network structures were formed. The largest group is "all," and most nodes in that group are connected with nodes in other groups. There are five isolated nodes (admin, bioram, Dave, demanclearn11, Morgan) in the network connected with the node "all." The six network structures can be described as star structure (A), network structure (B), self-loop structure (C), triangle structure (D), bridge structure (E), and isolated structure (F). Star structure (A) is the main structure of the network. In this network, groups of George, Guilia, Stephen, Paulo Simões are star structure networks. These nodes are the center of these small networks. Network structure (B) is complicated - there is no center among these nodes and there are many interactions among these nodes; many complicated interactions happened among the nodes. Self-loop structure (C) illustrates those who wrote comments on their own blog post as to provide further information and reflection. Triangle structure (D) is the structure connected with two or three main nodes. Bridge structure (E) is a linear structure; if one of them is not connected, this network cannot reach other nodes. Isolated structure (F) is the one isolated network among two or three nodes. The nodes of these structures did not connect with other groups or nodes.
As Figure 5 illustrates, multi-interaction centers were formed following a high sequence of interaction. The participants in the center not only have a deep connection with other participants in other centers, but are also connected with many participants who were relatively isolated in the course. They acted as the "obligatory points of passage" in Actor Network Theory (Latour, 2005) in this network, because the important information in the network will flow to these centers and be amplified by them.
Figure 5. The structure of the social network in the first week from blog based interaction.
As Downes (2007) argued, learners should be active participants in content generation and interaction to maximize their own learning. Learners not only interacted with other learners, but also participated in content creation in this course. Table 4 lists the total number of posts and interactions in the blog, Twitter, and Facebook group in six week. All participants in this course generated 1176 original blog post, 2516 original Twitter post, and 511 original Facebook group posts in the sixth week of the course, and the interaction behavior based on these original posts is two times greater than average number of posts. This may support the claims that cMOOCs is an interactive, emergent, and creation-based course. The average number of interactions on each topic in the blog and Facebook are more than those generated on Twitter; however, the total post and interaction number in Twitter is much higher than the other spaces. This is probably because posting a Twitter is much faster and easier than creating a blog post and Facebook message.
Table 4
The Number of Posts and Interactions Generated in Different Spaces Each Week
Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Total | |
Blog post | 113 | 158 | 242 | 284 | 158 | 221 | 1176 |
Blog interaction | 311 | 476 | 388 | 401 | 179 | 667 | 2422 |
Twitter post | 517 | 559 | 512 | 423 | 283 | 222 | 2516 |
Twitter interaction | 713 | 511 | 743 | 604 | 445 | 369 | 3385 |
Facebook group post | 228 | 99 | 55 | 43 | 17 | 69 | 511 |
Facebook group interactions | 546 | 291 | 211 | 176 | 49 | 124 | 1397 |
From Table 4, the number of interactions in each space is almost two times the number of related original post in these spaces. At first glance, the interaction in the course is not heavy. That is because in nearly 50% of the postings there were no replies posted. We can speculate that this is related to the perception that the content is too simple, to obscure, too easy, or did not create anything new; it was written in other languages than English; or that it overlapped with other content and information in this complex information environment. However, some high quality topics had intensive interaction and debates, during the learning process, and even inspired some new topics. For example, one participant posted a blog "Orienting myself to the Change 11 MOOC" in his blog site. Twenty-one participants made 33 comments on it including 28 deep discussions under the blog, and five pingbacks from Scoop it and other blogs. When tracking the interaction data further, we found that three new topics were generated over the course and one of these generated yet another new topic. Figure 6 presents the name of topic and their relationships. It is a prototype of the conceptual network formed in the course.
Figure 6. Topic generated base on the "orientation myself in MOOCs" post.
What is more important is that all these topics lead to further discussion in other blog spaces with other participants. The number of comments and pingbacks (a new blog post, in response to the original post) from each topic are listed in Table 5.
Table 5
The Interaction Data Based on the Generated Topic
Topic | Poster | Interaction data |
Orienting myself to the #Change 11 MOOC | Francesbell | 35 comments; 5 pingbacks |
Definitions, diversity, emergent learning, and responsibility in MOOCs | Jennymackness | 20 comments; 4 pingbacks |
Reply clarification on the question, "What is a MOOC?" | Jeffrey | 7 comments; 2 pingbacks |
What does it mean to cooperate and or collaborate in #Change 11 MOOC? | Suifaijohnmak | 8 comments; 5 pingbacks |
Cooperation and Collaboration with OER #Change 11 | kürzlich gezwitschert | 1 comment; 1 pingback |
Not only was a concept network formed, but also a social network around this topic emerged. Figure 6 and 7 illustrated the topic network and social network formed around this topic through participant's interactions. These two networks based on one generated topic are only a small part of the whole social and concept network of this course. It provides an example of Siemens oft-quoted description of "learning as network creation" (Siemens, 2005b, Abstract section, para. 1).
Figure 7. Social network of the topic "orientation myself in the MOOCs."
This study explored learners' participation in a connectivist learning context from the perspective of the technology adopted by learners, the participation categories that emerged, the social network structure formed, and a typical conceptual network that was formed based on topics in the course. After the analysis of six weeks' interaction transcript in Change 11 MOOC, we get a clearer picture of learners' participation in this kind of learning.
Considering the cognitive engagement of learners, there are four levels of interaction from operation, wayfinding, sense-making, to innovation in CIE (Wang, Chen, & Anderson, 2014). Though there are more active contributors in this cMOOC than other communities and in most xMOOCs. When considering the quality of their posts, perhaps only a few of these reach the innovation level, because learners may make contribution at different levels according to their learning objectives, interests, and learning abilities. When analysing the technologies learners adopted to support their connectivist learning and the participation patterns, we found that different technologies work at different levels of interaction to support the learning. For example, Twitter was mainly used in the work at the wayfinding level and blog worked more at the sense-making and innovation levels. The deepest interaction happened in the blog space followed by the Facebook group and Twitter. It follows that we need more research to more clearly understand learners' participation with the CIE framework to gain a deep understand on learners' participation. This study also reports on a typical concept network and social network formed around a topic. In the future, we will analyse these networks forming and changing processes in each space over a limited number of weeks. It will provide us more generalized insights into learners' participation in the connectivist learning process.
In order to get a clearer picture of how learners participate in connectivist learning, this paper analyses learners' social interaction traces retrieved from different perspectives from network building and formulation. We also examined learners' participation by various technologies (technology network) by the social network of a space and around topic and topic generation process. Each of these approaches can be analysed and compared from both quantitative and qualitative perspectives (Skrypnyk et al., 2015; Bozkurt et al., 2016). This will be a future focus of our study. The limitation of this study is that we only analyse the data left in the typical spaces that are easily and publically accessed in the internet. There's no doubt that other interactions occurred in other closed groups, private communication, or were not recorded on the internet. Thus, in the future, we need to use multiple forms of public and private research to understand learner behaviours and approaches in this much less structured learning context.
The authors state that there was no conflict of interest involved in this study. We obtained permission from one of the course facilitators - George Siemens - to use the data in the research. When participants registered into the Change 11 MOOC, they signed an agreement that permitted the use of their data for research purposes (http://change.mooc.ca/privacy.htm). All of data can be accessed without passwords in the internet.
We thank Dr. George Siemens for permission to access the data in Change 11 MOOC. Our work is supported by a National Natural Science Foundation of China (L1624020), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities in China (2017JDZD07).
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How Learners Participate in Connectivist Learning: An Analysis of the Interaction Traces From a cMOOC by Zhijun Wang, Terry Anderson, and Li Chen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.