What If It’s All an Illusion? To What Extent Can We Rely on Self-Reported Data in Open, Online, and Distance Education Systems?





open and distance learning, higher education, self-report, inconsistent responding, learning analytics


Online surveys are widely used in social science research as well as in empirical studies of open, online, and distance education. However, students’ responses are likely to be at odds with their actual behavior. In this context, we examined the discrepancies between self-reported use and actual use (i.e., learning analytics data) among 20,646 students in an open, online, and distance education system. The ratio of consistent responses to each of the 11 questions ranged from 43% to 70%, and the actual access to learning resources was significantly lower than self-reported use. In other words, students over-reported their use of learning resources. Females were more likely to be consistent in their responses. Frequency of visits to the open, online, and distance education system, grade point average, self-reported satisfaction, and age were positively correlated with consistency; students’ current semester was negatively correlated with consistency. Although consistency was not maintained between actual use and self-reported use, consistency was maintained between some of the self-report questionnaires (i.e., use vs. satisfaction). The findings suggested that system and performance data should be considered in addition to self-reported data in order to draw more robust conclusions about the accountability of open, online, and distance education systems.

Author Biographies

Yavuz Akbulut, Anadolu University

Yavuz Akbulut is a professor in the Faculty of Education at Anadolu University, Turkey. He holds an MA in computer assisted language learning and a PhD in instructional design and technology. His research interests include cyberpsychology and learning, multitasking, and online gaming behaviours.

Abdullah Saykılı, Anadolu University

Abdullah Saykılı is a researcher in the Department of Distance Education, Open Education Faculty at Anadolu University, Turkey. He holds MA and PhD degrees in distance education. Dr. Saykılı’s research interests include open and distance learning, learning analytics, educational data mining and interaction in online learning environments.

Aylin Öztürk, Anadolu University

Aylin Öztürk is a researcher in the Department of Distance Education, Open Education Faculty at Anadolu University, Turkey. She holds MA and PhD degrees in distance education. Dr. Öztürk’s research interests include open and distance learning, learning analytics, educational data mining, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.

Aras Bozkurt, Anadolu University

Aras Bozkurt is a researcher and faculty member in the Department of Distance Education, Open Education Faculty at Anadolu University, Turkey. He holds MA and PhD degrees in distance education. Dr. Bozkurt conducts empirical studies on distance education, open and distance learning, online learning, networked learning, and educational technology to which he applies various critical theories, such as connectivism, rhizomatic learning, and heutagogy. He is also interested in emerging research paradigms, including social network analysis, sentiment analysis, and data mining.



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How to Cite

Akbulut, Y., Saykılı, A., Öztürk, A., & Bozkurt, A. (2023). What If It’s All an Illusion? To What Extent Can We Rely on Self-Reported Data in Open, Online, and Distance Education Systems?. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 24(3), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.19173/irrodl.v24i3.7321



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