Threats and Opportunities of Students’ Use Of AI-Integrated Technology (ChatGPT) in Online Higher Education: Saudi Arabian Educational Technologists’ Perspectives


  • Mesfer Mihmas Mesfer Aldawsari Department of Arabic Language, College of Education in Al-Kharj, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
  • Nouf Rashed Ibrahim Almohish Department of Arabic Language, College of Education in Al-Kharj, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia



AI-integrated technology, ChatGPT, higher education, online learning, threats, challenges, education technologists


This research study explored the perspectives of 20 educational technologists from four Saudi Arabian universities regarding the integration of AI-powered technology, particularly ChatGPT, into online higher education. The study used a qualitative research method that relied on the principles of theoretical sampling to select participants and conducted in-depth interviews to collect their insights. The approach taken for data analysis was thematic analysis, which uncovered a rich range of insights on both the challenges and opportunities associated with students’ use of AI-integrated technology in the context of online higher education. Ten significant challenges emerged that shed light on the complexities and intricacies of integrating AI-powered technology into educational environments. These challenges included issues related to technological infrastructure, pedagogical adaptation, and the need for comprehensive training programs to empower both teachers and learners. Additionally, eight threats were examined that highlighted concerns about data security, privacy, and potential risks associated with AI technology in educational institutions. This study not only provided a comprehensive overview of the current landscape of AI-integrated technology in Saudi Arabian higher education, but also provided valuable insights for education stakeholders, technologists, and policy makers. It underscored the necessity of proactive measures to mitigate challenges and threats while harnessing the opportunities presented by AI technology to enhance the quality and effectiveness of online higher education.


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How to Cite

Mihmas Mesfer Aldawsari, M., & Rashed Ibrahim Almohish, N. (2024). Threats and Opportunities of Students’ Use Of AI-Integrated Technology (ChatGPT) in Online Higher Education: Saudi Arabian Educational Technologists’ Perspectives. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 25(3), 19–36.