Artificial Intelligence in Education: A Bibliometric Study on Its Role in Transforming Teaching and Learning




artificial intelligence, bibliometric analysis, bibliographic coupling, co-authorship analysis, co-citation analysis, co-occurrence analysis


This study aimed to present a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of 1,726 academic studies from among those indexed by the Web of Science database platform between 2013 and 2023, to provide a general framework for the concept of artificial intelligence in education (AIEd). Trends in publications and citations across countries, institutions, academic journals, and authors were identified, as well as collaborations among these elements. Several bibliometric analysis techniques were applied, and for each analysis, the motivations behind the execution and method of producing findings were documented. Our findings showed that the number of studies on the concept of AIEd has increased significantly over time, with the U.S. and China being the most common countries of origin. Institutions in the U.S. stand out from those around the world. Pioneering journals in education have also emerged as prominent in the field of AIEd. On the other hand, collaboration between authors has been limited. The study was supplemented with keyword analysis to reveal thematic AIEd concepts and to reflect changing trends. For those exploring artificial intelligence in education, our insights on popular topics offer valuable guidance toward greater understanding of the latest advancements and key research areas.


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How to Cite

Durak, G., Çankaya, S., Özdemir, D., & Can, S. (2024). Artificial Intelligence in Education: A Bibliometric Study on Its Role in Transforming Teaching and Learning. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 25(3), 219–244.