The Metaphor of AI in Writing in English: A Reflection on EFL Learners’ Motivation to Write, Enjoyment of Writing, Academic Buoyancy, and Academic Success in Writing


  • Ying He Department of Humanities, Ningbo University of Finance and Economics, Ningbo 315175 China



artificial intelligence, motivation to write, enjoyment in writing, academic buoyancy, academic success in writing, automated writing evaluation, open and distributed learning


Several barriers hinder students from producing clear and impactful written work. Writing assignments are often given on an individual basis, similar to homework, and without any assistance. Students in a classroom context have access to both their classmates and the teacher while they are working in groups or pairs as part of their assignments. The majority of students, however, are clueless about how to begin their homework assignments. The introduction of artificial intelligence in education may help solve this problem. The current research intended to demonstrate the effects of employing automated writing evaluation (AWE) in fostering learners’ writing skills, motivation to write, enjoyment of writing, and academic buoyancy in open and distributed English as a foreign language (EFL) learning. The participants were 86 intermediate EFL students from China. The participants in the experimental group (n = 44) received instruction and feedback from their teachers only; participants in the control group (n = 42) were exposed to their teachers’ instruction as well as AWE. The results of data analysis via one-way multivariate analysis of variance indicated that the participants in the experimental group outperformed their peers in the control group in motivation to write, enjoyment in writing, academic buoyancy, and academic success in writing. Further in-depth discussions proceed regarding the implications of the study.


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How to Cite

He, Y. (2024). The Metaphor of AI in Writing in English: A Reflection on EFL Learners’ Motivation to Write, Enjoyment of Writing, Academic Buoyancy, and Academic Success in Writing. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 25(3), 271–286.